The Community Council is made up of 8 Councillors: Beryl Jones (chair), Emyr Morgan, Ann Davies, Cled Moses Mike Wynne/Anjuli Davies – North Ward, Eiryl Rees (vice-chair), Linda Hughes, Mark Williams – South Ward. It was with saness that the council accepted the resignation of Cllr. Mike Wynne after many years service within the parish. Cllr. Anjuli Davies was co-opted onto the council in September 2021 and welcomed by all. Mrs Mairwen Rees is our clerk
County Councillor Cefin Campbell regularly attends meetings, in May 2021, Cllr Campbell was successful is securing a seat in the Senedd but he continued to attend the council meetings.
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September and November.
Due to COVID 19, all meetings have been held remotely on Zoom. This has not been ideal as the internet connection in the Llangathen area is intermittent, on occasions some Councillors have been unable to connect, some have lost internet connection during a meeting and on occasions some of us have “frozen”. However, we have made the best of a bad situation. When restrictions allow, face to face meetings will resume and these will probably be held in the Reading Room, Court Henry and possibly with telephone access for those not wishing to attend in person.
Our precept for 2021/2022 was £7,200
We get invoiced annually for the Footway Lighting within the parish, £994.92
Also, lanterns were changed to LED and for this an eight year loan was taken out with Carmarthenshire County Council – an annual invoice of £688.06 commencing 2021/2022
D G Morris accountant is the internal auditor.
An annual clerk appraisal is carried out and the clerks working conditions and contract has been finalised.
Local maintenance comprises of grass cutting on the village green in Broad Oak, and Cllrs and local residents look after the flower boxes.
There is a website and the management of this site has been transferred to We Dig Media.
The annual external audit has been unfortunately hindered, this is partly due to COVID and to Wales Audit taking over the role and having a backlog of audits to deal with. Wales Audit are now dealing with the 2019 2020 accounts.
The Community Council are members of One Voice Wales and Society of Local Council Clerks, who provide a wealth of information and advise as well as providing training opportunities related to the Councillor role.
The council keeps up to date with an array of policies.
Communication between Councillors and Clerk is via e-mail, telephone and post.
Communication between the community and Community Council is via Notice Boards, Website, face to face communication including via clubs and organisations.
Litter and Dog Fouling has been an issue in some areas of the parish, this has been reported and is ongoing. Signs have been provided and sited in some areas.
The A40 trunk road remains a concern and steps are ongoing to better conditions. The A40 at Drylwyn Square has been resurfaced.
Some work has been done to remedy the unkempt appearance of the BT Exchange building, but much more needs to be done.
Road conditions including pot holes and blocked drains continue to be reported to Carmarthenshire County Council with some success but it is an ongoing matter.
Street Lighting issues are reported promptly.
A suggestion to incorporate a bus stop into the plans of SiopNEWydd, Dryslwyn has been submitted to the committee.
Planning Applications within the parish are monitored and comments forwarded to Carmarthenshire County Council.
B. Jones (chair) M. Rees (clerk)